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PLASMATICS by The Color Blocks

  • Release: 2024-01-15 3PM ET / 8PM UTC / 9PM CET
  • Max Number of Iterations: 12
  • Reservation Method: Blind Auction (details below)

Inspired by Cymatics, PLASMATICS are 12 audiovisual dynamical patterns that mathematically explore the ideas of Vibration, Potential, and Emergence, based on c12's The Seeker musical scores.

Each PLASMATICS piece listens to its recursive audio piece in real-time, and decodes its vibrations/frequencies through Fast Fourier Transform, averaged through three different centroid distributions (linear, Bark, and Mel), and represented visually through an algebraic expression that approximates the Chladni Plate patterns (one variation of Cymatics) in three different layers. Each piece can alternate between PLASMA and PARTICLE mode by user input. PLASMA mode explores how emergent patterns appear through the convergence of potential positions. PARTICLE mode explores how vibration can be algebraically/physically expressed in striking and symmetric patterns, patterns which have inspired interesting conversations on the scientific and spiritual meanings of frequencies and sound.

About The Color Blocks
The Color Blocks is an algorithmic artist expressing scientific/philosophical paradigms through computational art. The artist currently focuses on dynamical systems, emergent behaviors, and human consciousness.

The artist has an undergraduate background in film, art history, and political philosophy, and later became interested in consciousness, spirituality, and frontier scientific theories. They see art as a free medium unconstrained by language and logic, and able to experientially convey deep and profound realities about our universe.


click image to see the live artwork

Controls for live artwork

  • Click to play
  • Press C to toggle color mode
  • Press S to save screen capture
  • Press G to save 300 frames as GIF


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Welcome to Singular, where you can purchase stunning art on Bitcoin.

Continue reading to learn more about aquiring a PLASMATICS inscription

Purchase Method:

Purchase will be via Blind Auction.
The APPLY button at the top right of the page will be clickable when submissions are open.

A blind auction is a bidding process where participants submit their bids without knowing the amounts offered by others. It combines the thrill of competitive bidding with the privacy of blind submissions where only you know your bid amount.

Participants submit a form with their bid, contact details, bc1p address for artwork delivery. Following the auction's closure, bids are organized from highest to lowest, and winners are provided with a priority period to finalize their purchase.

Bidding Process:

  • Minimum bid: 0.01 BTC
  • Artwork choice in order of bid ranking (higher bid = earlier choice)
  • Purchase price is set at the lowest winning bid (10th bidders price)
  • In case of identical winning bids, preference goes to the earlier bid
  • All bids are for one (1) work only

Winning Bid Follow-Up:

  • Auction close will be announced in Singular's Discord
  • Winners will be granted access to a private Singular Discord channel
  • Complete payment within 48 hours of auction close. Unsettled bids pass to the next highest bidder. (eg. 11th, 12th, etc)
  • We will confirm your inscription preference
  • Upon confirmation of payment, the inscription will be transferred to your provided address
  • For efficiency, all inscriptions will be transferred during a single time window

Security Precautions:

  • Our team will never contact you directly via DM
  • Report any unsolicited DMs regarding the auction, or seek assistance in the general chat, visible to all
  • If uncertain, always use the general chat for questions
  • For added security, WE will share the last 10 characters of your provided address in the private channel
  • You will NOT be asked to resubmit your address for the inscription

Other requirements:

  • You will need a Discord account to participate
  • An X (formerly twitter) account is optional

We strive to provide our collectors with a seamless and secure purchasing experience, ensuring that your digital art collection is easily accessible and safely stored on the blockchain. Thank you for your support of Singular and our wonderful set of artists and we hope you enjoy your new artwork!

In case you have any questions or concerns throughout the process, please do not hesitate to ping our team in the Singular Discord or using the contact form on our website.

What do I need to purchase and receive a piece from a project?

You will need a digital wallet with either Ethereum (ETH) or Bitcoin (BTC). For ETH transactions, a wallet like Metamask is required. For BTC transactions, ensure your wallet supports Ordinals, like Hiro, Xverse, Unisat, ord or Sparrow. Ensure sufficient balance in your chosen cryptocurrency for minting.

After I submitted my transaction, I realized I provided a b1cp address that I do not control or is not from a wallet that natively supports Ordinals. What can I do?

In rare instances we may be able to help, however generally speaking we won't be able to. If you are using a Bitcoin wallet that does not have native Ordinals support, please ensure that you know what you are doing with regards to coin/sat control. We are not liable for any assets purchased but then lost after being transferred to your provided addresses. Once a piece has been successfully transferred to your provided address, there is nothing that we can do.

What does it mean if my transaction fails or if I'm not able to send a transaction to begin with?

This is a rare case however status messages should appear to confirm a reason. If you are receiving erroneous status messages please let our team know so we can look into it.

What happens if my purchase transaction for a project is confirmed?

Congratulations! You have successfully purchased a piece from the project meaning our backend will now inscribe and transfer your unique artwork to your provided bc1p address.

My transaction shows as confirmed but I don't see the inscription in my BTC wallet. What gives?

BTC block times average ~10 minutes but due to the random nature of solving bitcoin blocks (mining), some blocks can take up to an hour. Recently, since Ordinals have been gaining awareness, Bitcoin transaction volume/price have been skyrocketing and so inscriptions may take up to 24hours. Please monitor the status using the link shown after purchase. If for any reason an extended period of time goes by without receiving your work, please contact our team.

I missed the mint but would like to explore secondary listings. Where can I do that?

Singular has partnered with Gamma to support trustless secondary market trading for our collections. Gamma currently supports Hiro and Xverse for BTC wallet options to buy and sell. Collection pages should go live shortly after the Singular mint ends.

How permanent is the artwork that I'm purchasing?

Anything and everything needed to wholly recreate a given artwork is stored on-chain in your inscription. For generative art, this also includes all packages used (e.g. p5.js). Your artwork will survive in its complete form for as long as Bitcoin itself survives.

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How to setup a wallet to receive Ordinals.